
Chip treatment

Plants and applications for chip treatment and logistics.

Esempio di impianto pneumatico centralizzato di aspirazione e trattamento trucioli
Esempio di impianto pneumatico centralizzato di aspirazione e trattamento trucioli

Pneumatic vacuum systems

The systems are custom made and allow to collect the chips coming out of the machine tool, treat it and send it to the collection area


  • they do not require masonry work and are expandable / modifiable over time
  • it avoids the handling of the trolleys (impacts, percolations ...), assigning the operator to productive tasks.
  • increases the efficiency and cleanliness of the workshop
  • net reduction in the volume of chips in the collection area
  • elimination of trolleys (full and empty) in the workshop
  • recovery of the oil from the shavings that can be reused in the working cycle
  • peace of mind during the withdrawal phase, avoiding fines for leaking into the environment.

Pneumatic Vacuum Systems

Customized systems for the transport of metal tricks by air transport or conveyor belts. In the extraction process, the shavings are centrifuged from any processing oils, shredded by knife or hammer shredders and then conveyed via conveyor belts to the storage silos.

Machine board system

  • Bin Tippers
  • Kind of Silos: vertical, bridge or horizontal.
  • Centrifuges
  • Crushers
  • Accessories: standard lubricant tank, dredging tank
  • Chips conveyors: screws conveyors, metal belts conveyors, scraping vane dredging conveyors.


Massimo Archimede Rappresentanze

For technical and commercial information
Massimo Archimede 
Cell.  +39 389 2136814